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Weed Man’s Turf Operations Group Pushes For Better, Raises Money for Canadian Mental Health Organization
Apr 11, 2024
Coach Conor (Age 7) Leads Team of Lawn Care Warriors in 23-Day Push-Up Challenge
This February, about 15 employees and managers in Weed Man’s Turf Operations group challenged themselves to “push for better” in order to benefit the Canadian Mental Health Association. The challenge? Complete 2,000 push-ups each in 23 days. That number of push-ups is designed to represent the estimated 20% of Canadians who experience mental illness in any given year, and the proceeds of the fundraiser benefit the Canadian Mental Health Association, providing advocacy, programs and resources that help prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive. Among the participants within Weed Man’s Turf Operations group was 7-year-old “Coach Conor,” the son of virtual sales coordinator Oliver Killeen and administrative manager Amanda Killeen. Coach Conor kept all participants on their toes by keeping up with (and often surpassing) the adults, and sending them motivational messages and voice notes. “Sometimes you have to do things in life that are hard,” says Coach Conor, and “You need to do better.” The team has taken his encouraging reminders to heart, not only in the push-up challenge, but also in the business as the 2024 lawn care season kicks into gear. In total, the “Weed Man Warriors” completed 25,000 push ups over the 23-day challenge period, raising $800 to benefit the Canadian Mental Health Association. The Weed Man Warriors included Oliver Killeen, Conor Killeen (Age 7), Amy Ross, Michelle Testa, Julian Calcafuoco, Alyssa Jones, Kaylyn Hilton, Pasi Martikaninen, Jay Martikaninen, Derek Robertson, Brandy Rogers, Matthew Maniatis, Jessica Habasevich. Great job, everyone!